Because the situation of the river water in Vietnam is often exhausted, the power outage situation to repair and maintain the power of electricity by hydropower is difficult. To overcome the situation, many people compete to buy electrical energy equipment by the sun
Some cheap NLMT devices
How to set the power appar
atus devices that use NLMT to provide electricity to household appliances become increasingly popular in the world. To further increase the efficiency of equipment according to researchers and designers, The orientation of the solar panels Heaven is the most important factor. Because if the solar panel is placed in the direction the sun will take
many solar radiation. But in Vietnam, towards the sun has not been concerned by many vendors as it only stops at research and testing in laboratories
According to some of our solar generators successfully tested small machines for families oriented automatically according to the position of the sun to maximize the application of this energy source to people with low prices that High power recollection power in poetry and domestic scales
Outdoor Battery Mounting Location
Some devices use solar power that we specialize in provide such as: the cheap DC AC inverter and power adapter for switching streams from source to 220V. When the grid has a sudden trophy, the current will automatically use with the battery. When the grid is active again it breaks itself down and returns to the backup charging mode.